8 of the Most Popular Easter Processions in Malaga

Most popular easter processions in Malaga

With just a couple of weeks to go until the start of its famous ‘Semana Santa’ (Holy Week) – From 13th April to 20th March 2025 – the city of Malaga is gearing itself up to welcome thousands of visitors who every year line its streets to watch the breathtaking processions. 

It’s a unique spectacle that all visitors to the Costa del Sol should experience at least once. The sight of the gigantic thrones (known as Tronos) being carried by over 200 men and the colourful costumes worn by members of the brotherhoods, the smell of fresh flowers and burning incense, the sound of music and crowds cheering and singing… truly memorable! (more…)

Holy Week Processions in Malaga: A Must-See During Your Easter Holiday

Holy Week in Malaga

If you’re planning a holiday to the Costa del Sol for Easter this year (Holy week is from the 13th April until the 20th April), we highly recommend you take at least a day to explore the wonders of this fantastic festivity; you won’t regret it.

The ‘Semana Santa de Málaga’ (Malaga Holy Week) is famous for its impressive processions in which the ‘cofradías’ (brotherhoods) proudly parade their ‘Tronos’ (Thrones) through the streets of the city as the expectant crowds cheer, sing and applaud to the sound of the unmistakable music played by the marching bands. (more…)

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Benalmadena: Here’s the Plan….

St Patrick’s Day is a popular celebration in Benalmadena. Every year, over 1000 people (Irish locals, visitors and pretty much anyone looking to have a good craic) join in the parade in the centre of town and the amazing party taking place afterwards! 

It’s no secret that Sunset Beach Club is an Irish-owned hotel, and that the 17th March is an important day in our calendar. Every year, we prepare our “Sunset Style” celebrations which include consuming copious amounts of Guinness at the Panorama Bar and a fantastic “Irish Themed” buffet dinner for all our guests in our newly refurbished Oasis Restaurant! 

This year’s celebrations in nearby Arroyo de la Miel have now been confirmed. Weather permitting, you’ll all be able to enjoy a fun day out on the 17th March! There will be live music and shows all day in Plaza de la Mezquita (see below for programme and times).


What is ETIAS and How Does it Affect My Travel Plans in Europe?

Rules for travelling to most European countries have changed.

From 2025 (Probably the second half of the year), travellers from more than 60 visa-exempt countries (see image below to see if your country is included) will need to have a special travel authorisation, a valid ETIAS, (European Travel Information & Authorisation System) to enter 30 European countries for a short stay.


Carnival ‘Madness’ in Malaga (and the rest of the Costa del Sol)

Carnival Season is well underway and most towns and cities on the Costa del Sol (Including Benalmadena) are submersed in fun programs to celebrate this colourful festivity.

Malaga Carnival poster 2025
Poster for the 2024 Malaga Carnival

Although the Carnival is celebrated all over Andalucia—the Cadiz Carnival is probably the most famous—for this article, we’ll focus on the Málaga Carnival. Only 25 minutes from our hotel and easily accessible, it’s a ‘must visit’ if you’re planning a trip to the Costa del Sol in February.

We’re lucky enough to enjoy mild winters. This luxury allows the city of Málaga to live one of its most colourful, multicultural and spontaneous festivities of the year: The Carnival.


10 Reasons to Visit the Costa del Sol in Winter

10 Reasons to visit Costa del Sol in Winter

The Costa del Sol continues to be one of the most popular winter destinations for tourists from the UK, Ireland and northern Europe. Eager to escape the cold and dreary winters of their home countries, these visitors make the most of the great prices and short flight times to visit our beautiful Coast and bask in some winter sun!

But the sun isn’t the only thing bringing these visitors to our coast in the winter: Below we’ve put together our list of 10 reasons to visit the Costa del Sol in the Winter. (more…)

It’s Carnival Time in Benalmádena!

It’s Carnival time in Benalmadena!

This traditional festivity of colourful fun, singing and dancing which starts on the 10th February 2025, and goes on until Sunday 23rd February 2025, offers local residents and visitors a full events programme with activities and entertainment to suit all ages.

Benalmadena Carnival Poster
Official Poster for the Benalmadena Carnival

The fun-packed programme takes place in Benalmadena Pueblo and in Arroyo de la Miel; however, to save you the hassle of deciding what to see, we’ve taken the liberty of putting together a few suggestions… 


Activities Calendar in Benalmádena Marina (February 2025)

Under the slogan ‘Rumbo al Puerto 2025’ (Heading to the Port 2025) the Town Hall’s Department of Commerce and the Port Authorities have prepared a very complete Activities Calendar in the Marina for this month of February.

The fun begins this weekend with the performance of ‘Rock Cirk’ on Saturday and Sunday (you can check the schedule in the poster below).  The show starring the Rolabola company, winner of the National Circus Award in 2017, will combine circus performances with rock music: fun for the whole family!


Celebrate Valentine’s Day at Sunset Beach Club

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner….. Have you decided what you are going to give your loved one? Is it a nice watch, some jewellery, or perhaps a holiday to Sunset Beach Club?

It’s so important to enjoy a few moments of relaxation and intimacy with our partner and inject a little romance into our relationship; What better way than with a romantic dinner in an emblematic hotel in Benalmádena? Yes, I’m talking about Sunset Beach Club’s Valentine’s Day dinner.
