If you’re planning a holiday to the Costa del Sol for Easter this year (Holy week is from the 24th March until the 31st March), we highly recommend you take – at least – a day to explore the wonders of this amazing festivity; you won’t regret it.
The ‘Semana Santa de Málaga’ (Malaga Holy Week) is famous for its impressive processions in which the ‘cofradías’ (brotherhoods) proudly parade their ‘Tronos’ (Thrones) through the streets of the city as the expectant crowds cheer, sing and applaud to the sound of the unmistakable music played by the marching bands.
Bear in mind that many of these towering structures can weigh in excess of 5 tons and require the strength of 200 plus men (and women) to carry them on a parade that can last up to 8 hours!
It’s difficult to describe the whole experience so we thought we’d include a video prepared by the Málaga Brotherhoods to promote the Easter processions.
Although many might think that this religious festivity is solely for the more devoted, nothing could be further from the truth as the vibrant colours, scents, and sounds of Málaga’s Holy Week attract thousands of visitors and tourists who travel from all over the world to watch this memorable spectacle.
Quick Tip: If you’re planning on watching the processions for the first time, you should know that each of the Brotherhoods – and their respective Thrones – has a specific itinerary taking them through the streets of Malaga. However, all of the processions that take place throughout the week share a specific stretch of this itinerary; this ‘Official Route’ was modified in 2019, starting at the southern end of Plaza de la Constitución and making its way to the Southern Tower of Málaga Cathedral (see map below).
Part of this ‘Official Route’ is lined with special seating which can be hired through the official Brotherhoods; the price depends on the location. For those not wishing to fork out money to watch the processions, there is a famous area known as ‘La Tribuna de los Pobres’ (The poor man’s tribune), a large stairway at the end of Calle Carretería which serves as seating for many spectators.
If you’re planning on going to see the Holy Week processions in Málaga, here’s a list of our 8 favourites with the dates and times you can watch them.
Are you planning on visiting the Costa del Sol for the Easter Processions? Why not make the most of it and enjoy a few days of sun and relaxation at Sunset Beach Club? Our apartment-style accommodation is ideal for families. You can check availability at www.sunsetbeachclub.com .
What time and days are the processions please
Hi Jean, they are written in the blog post 🙂