How to Pack your Bags: The Ultimate Video Demo!

I’m always on the lookout for great tips and tricks related to travel and holidays. One of the biggest nightmares we suffer when we have to get on an plane is the ritual of packing!

Whether for business or pleasure, strict – and over the top – policies by airlines around the world mean that packing your bags efficiently has become synonimous with saving money! Every extra piece of luggage and every extra Kilogram costs a fortune (Up to 15 Euros per Kilo!!!).

Well, I might just have the solution to all your packing problems…. I found this video online whilst reading the Huffington Post Travel Blog (a great read if you are interested in travel) and just had to embed the video on our Blog so that our guests could view it.

This guy is the “master” of packing! I know a couple of colleagues in our commercial department who will happily use some of the tips oin the video for when they next travel abroad for an exhibition!

Driving Whilst on Holiday on the Costa del Sol: 12 Key Tips

Stop SignIf you are planning to visit the Costa del Sol for your next holiday – or any other area of Spain – there is a good chance that you will want to hire a vehicle to give you a little more freedom and really take advantage of some of the beautiful scenery our country has to offer.

You’ve probably heard some horror stories about driving in Spain and might have been put off by it but I assure you it is not that bad! If you are careful and respect speed limits and road signs, you won’t have a problem. The following tips and guidelines will give you a brief overview of the more important points you need to be aware of when driving in Spain.

1)      First and foremost, we drive on the right in Spain!!!! Seems like a trivial point as most people are aware of this; however, you’d be amazed at how many accidents are caused by tourists who “forget” when turning out of a petrol station or similar and end up heading the wrong way – please just be careful and alert at all times, an advice from lawyers for wrecks and accidents. (more…)