Jamie Cullum Concert at the Sohail Castle in Fuengirola

Jamie Cullum Concert in FuengirolaWe’re in for a real treat this Thursday evening (4th August) as contemporary Jazz artist, Jamie Cullum, takes to the stage in the amazing setting of Sohail Castle in Fuengirola.

Known for his passionate and energetic live performances, the 31 year old visits the Costa del Sol for what will be his only show in Andalucia (even more of a reason to go!). The foundations of Sohail Castle will be literally shacking as he performs songs from his own albums as well as hits from other famous artists.

Although his music is rooted in Jazz, he delves into a vibrant mix of pop, rock ‘n roll and jazz. He’ll be pounding away at his piano, but if we are lucky, we’ll also be able to sample his talents on the guitar and drums too! An interesting fact: Jamie never works to a set list in his live performances, it’s all improvised! Should make for a very entertaining evening…

The doors of Sohail Castle will open to the public at 8:30pm and the show starts at 10pm. If you’re looking for tickets, you can buy them online at www.ticketmaster.es or at any El Corte Inglés department store. Prices start at €35 if you buy before the event and go up to €45 on the night.

Note: If you’re heading to the Costa del Solspecially to see the concert and you are looking for somewhere to stay, you can check our availability on www.sunsetbeachclub.com

The 4th Beer Festival at the Sohail Castle in Fuengirola

Beer Festival at Sohail Castle in Fuengirola

Dusk at Sohail Castle...

I’ve got some good news for all you beer lovers out there; as from next Thursday the 21st July, the Sohail Castle in Fuengirola will be the venue for the 4th Beer Festival (Bierfest).

For 10 days, visitors will be able to sample some of the finest German beers. This year, the organisers of the event have tried to make things a little more “international” by setting up various stands with a wide variety of foods from around the world.

Obviously, there will be a German stand with their frikadellen, chucrut and wide variety of German sausages, but you will also be able to try a whole range of Moroccan delicacies; an authentic Argentine “Parrillada” (BBQ); some spicy Mexican food and even fresh sea food. With hunger no longer being a problem, you might want to head over to the Cocktails stand and try a cool and refreshing Mojito – or whatever tickles your fancy.

On the 24th and 31st July, there will be Formula One races and theSohailCastle will be the perfect place to watch the top motor sport event! There will be a large TV screen so that visitors can watch their favourite drivers without giving up their delicious German beer.

The fair starts at 7:00 pm from Monday to Friday and at 12:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday; entrance is free 😉

The Virgen del Carmen Processions: Don’t Miss this Breathtaking Cultural Event

Virgen del CarmenFor those of you who enjoy taking in a little Spanish culture during your holidays, I highly recommend you take a couple of hours this Saturday (16th July) to go and see one of the many “Virgen del Carmen” processions taking place along the Coast.

Last year I went along to the Virgen del Carmen procession in Los Boliches – just a 15 minute drive from the hotel – and thoroughly enjoyed the experience (follow the link to the blog post I wrote).

I won’t provide a long winded explanation of what this day represents – you can see this post about the Virgen del Carmen celebrations for that – but I will quickly explain a little about the reason for this colourful and emotional event.

The Virgen del Carmen, or Stella Maris, as she is often referred to is the patron saint of fishermen and of the Spanish Navy! If you visit one of the processions which take place in most of the “traditional” fishing villages along the Coast – Los Boliches, Benalmádena,La Carrihuelain Torremolinos, Marbella and Estepona, to name but a few – you will witness the pure devotion the local villagers towards their patron saint.

The processions usually start off in the afternoon as the fishermen carry their “Virgen” – which is usually handcrafted in wood and porcelain (more…)

Sneak Preview of Our New Show: The Lion King

The lion King at Sunset Beach Club

Yesterday afternoon, I managed to creep into the Moonlight theatre and watch the last dress rehearsal before tonight’s debut performance of “The Lion King”.

Our entertainment team have been working hard – often rehearsing for hours after work – to prepare this fantastic tribute to the West End classic. I took loads of photos, many of which are in the gallery below; as you can see, the team really worked hard on the costumes and I am sure you’ll agree that they’ve done a brilliant job! It’s obviously going to be a popular show with the little ones but I highly recommend at to everyone as the music, dancing, costumes and spectacular lighting are really impressive! (more…)

The 52nd Nerja Caves Festival: A Spectacle of Music and Dance

Nerja Caves Festival 2011Next Tuesday the 12th July sees the start of the 52nd edition of the famous Nerja Caves Festival, one of the most important music and dance events on the Costa del Sol.

Since the opening of this spectacular cave in 1960, this Festival has been held every year, attracting artists and musicians from all over the world. Thanks to its incomparable beauty and exceptional acoustics, the Nerja Caves attract thousands of spectators every year – approximately 800 people are seated every night in the “Sala de Ballet” auditorium to enjoy the very best music and dance shows.

This year, the festival will be split into four separate parts: An evening of Flamenco, an evening dedicated to music of the world, an evening of Spanish dance and opera and last, but by no means least, a lyrical concert.

The programme for the 5 day event is as follows:

Tuesday 12th July at 10 pm – Flamenco Evening

The Festival starts with a true andalucian flavour; Málaga flamenco dancer, Rocio Molina’s show “Danzaora”, winner of the 2010 Dance Prize. (more…)