Virgen del Carmen Processions – a must see!

The "Virgen del Carmen" procession

This Friday the 16th July many coastal towns throughout Spain will celebrate the festivities of the “Virgen del Carmen”. This is a special day for many of the small original fishing villages (I know, they’ve changed a lot!) on the Costa del Sol as the Virgen del Carmen is actually the patron saint of fishermen (she’s also the patron saint of the Spanish Navy) and no fishing boat sets to sea without her image on board.

Head down to “La Carihuela” in Torremolinos, Los Boliches in Fuengirola or even the Marina in Benalmadena,  and you will witness the beautiful processions which pay homage to the Virgen del Carmen. Each locality will have a slightly different ritual but all include the amazing procession of the Virgen del Carmen in the sea. She will be carried from the church to a beach or port and then placed on one of the fishing boats surrounded by flowers; what follows is a beautiful spectacle as dozens of boats surround the “Stella Maris” – as she is also referred to-  and follow her out to sea.

If you haven’t seen this procession, I recommend you take a drive down to the port in Benalmadena (or any of the other fishing ports and villages mentioned), you won’t be disappointed! You might even be able to see the boat procession from the terrace of our Panorama Bar as they often come up as far as the hotel; make sure you bring your binoculars!

An Evening of Music and Culture at the Nerja Caves Festival

A live concert at the Nerja Caves

The famous Caves of Nerja come alive next week with their 51st Festival. From the 13th to the 17th July, visitors can enjoy evenings of music and ballet in these spectacular caves which have been set up with special seating and lighting to host a number of shows.

Not only will you get the chance to see the amazing rock formations of stalagmites and stalagtites – a must see if you have never been to the caves –  you will also be able to watch the following amazing artists: Flamenco singer, Estrella Morente; the RTVE(Spanish Television) Orchestra; the Prague National Theatre Ballet and the Argentine Ballet by Julio Bocca. (more…)

What a week! World cup & Weddings Galore!

Well it’s been such a busy week here at the hotel we’ve barely had chance to blog! July has arrived and with it so has the scorching Spanish Summer sunshine. But there’s more to Sunset than just great weather, this week we’ve had weddings taking place on Wednesday, Thursday and a seafront blessing planned for later on this afternoon so the resort is buzzing with blushing brides. Also of course with the World cup final looming, the atmosphere is tense as the staff and guests alike wait in suspense to see if Spain can go all the way and win the cup. We’ve had a great turn out for both semi final matches in the Moonlight bar, and will also be showing the final there this Sunday as well as the third place play-off match on Saturday night. Let’s hope Spain can give us a fantastic finale to the week!

Benalmadena Feria Fun

As always, last week’s San Juan celebrations attracted great crowds of all ages and nationalities to the beaches of Benalmadena. The atmosphere of the night really is something exceptional, barbeques sizzling, waves crashing, fires crackling and the unescapable buzz of chatter and laughter all along the coastline. The only downside to the festival is that it only happens once a year! However as San Juan finishes it marks the start of Benalmadena feria week. Paloma park, located in the centre between Arroyo de la Miel and the coast, is home to Benalmadena’s “Recinto Ferial” (Main fairground). If you’ve been on holiday here before you may already know this area as it is home to Benalmadena’s weekly market and carboot sale. The fair runs every night for one week and is a great night out for the whole family with plenty of rides, stalls and kiosks.

Summer Festival – San Juan

The fiesta of San Juan is definitely one for the calendar! The event takes place each year on the evening of the 23rd June and is celebrated with an overwhelming amount of beach parties all over Spain. Barbeques and fires are lit as the locals and tourists alike soak up the fantastic atmosphere. The finale of the evening is taking part in the traditional jumping of fire and running into the sea, thereby cleansing the soul of sins. If this is a little intense on a family night out, then don’t be put off as the festival is also accompanied by a stunning firework display that takes place at the puerto marina, but can be seen throughout Benalmadena. The festivities begin late afternoon and carry on well into the night as the following day is a bank holiday, perfect for recuperating after such an eventful night! Of course our famous Salitos bar by the sea will be hosting it’s own party, starting at aroun 9pm, so be sure to call in and say hi to Fran and the others down there!

Summer Activities for all ages

Of course the number one concern on your Summer holiday is to relax and make sure the whole family have an enjoyable time…This Summer, Sunset Beach Club has got more than just the World Cup to keep you entertained! Once again as Summer starts so do our funpacked activities, we offer a wide range of games and events for all ages. Organized by the Entertainment team, the whole family can make the most of their holiday here with a kid’s club for 5-12 year olds, a teenager’s club for 13 – 18 year olds and also a full programme of adult’s daytime activities, that’s not to mention our breathtaking shows in the Moonlight Cabaret Bar, ranging from tribute to Elvis, Michael Jackson, Moulin Rouge and of course the extraordinary Urban Magic Show to mention just a few! To see this Summer’s activity programme, please click here.