Bird watching in MalagaBoasting an impressive total of 380 different bird species, the province of Málaga is becoming an interesting option for bird watching enthusiasts from all over Europe. 

The conservation of vast natural parks and areas as well as the important bird migration taking place from August to November have contributed to the area’s popularity as an ideal destination for Bird Watching holidays.

This rich bird life and the fact that there are over 10 million tourists who travel every year to bird watch make the promotion of the area as a top Bird Watching Holiday destination a logical step for the Malaga Province Tourist Board. 

With a brand new website full of interesting ornithological facts about the area, the ‘Diputación de Málaga’ is certainly dedicating important resources to this large potential market. The site can be found at and contains all the information you may need to plan a Bird Watching holiday in Málaga including:

  • Different bird watching routes (by area)
  • Observation points
  • Tourist Services
  • Facilities
  • Detailed information on bird species
  • Local updated Maps

Another of the valuable features of this website is the forum which serves as gathering point for all ‘birders’ eager to exchange information and share their photographs.

The Local Habitats

The province of Málaga boasts a fascinating selection of habitats including the coastal strip which serves as a natural bi-directional bridge from North to South – creating the perfect passage from Europe to Africa for bird migration – and through the straights of Gibraltar from East to West.

Areas of special interest include:

  • The Guadalteba Region
  • Desfiladero de los Gaitanes
  • Parque Natural Alcornocales
  • Sierra de las Nieves
  • Grazalema
  • Sierra de Gracia
  • Falla de la Sierra del Camorro
  • Lagunas de Archidona

For those of you interested in Birdwatching in Spain and bird photography, at Sunset Beach Club we work with local experts who offer a variety of Bird watching excursions throughout the Málaga region. For more information about these organised trips, please contact the team on the Sunset Beach Club Leisure Desk.

If you’re looking for accommodation for your Costa del Sol Bird watching holiday, please visit our website to check availability and prices in our comfortable apartment-style accommodation.