Happy Video at Sunset Beach ClubIt’s probably one of the catchiest songs of the year and certainly one of the songs with most versions on Youtube! ‘Happy’ is the song that gets everyone in a good mood and dancing. 

The staff at Sunset Beach Club are a happy bunch so we thought we’d put together our very own video-version of ‘Happy’. It didn’t take too much convincing to get team members onboard with the project and we soon had all the dancing stars who would feature in the video.

We had a professional videographer come in to do the filming (We’re good, but not that good) and dedicated a whole day to stop by each department and film the short clips which would later feature in the video.

That’s about is as far as planning goes, the rest was just improvisation at its very best! Obviously there are some departments which have a slight advantage over their colleagues – yes Animation, we’re looking at you! – but everyone managed to come up with some cool moves which make for a very fun and enjoyable video.

Fun and enjoyment, that’s what Sunset Beach Club is all about! 🙂

Hope you like the video… And please don’t forget to share with friends and family!