Pulpo gigante en Sea Life Benalmadena

No messing with this Fella!

If you have been to the Sea Life Aquarium in Benalmadena Marina, you will have had the chance to meet one of their star attractions: a giant pacific octopus weighing in at an amazing 15 kilograms! I actually took my family a couple of weeks ago and I have to say that this creature is impressive; every time it moved around the tank, water spilled out over the top –that’s how big this thing is!

Anyway, I digress…… Apparently, last weekend, the octopus in question laid thousands of eggs; she’s going to be a busy mum over the next few weeks as she protects the eggs and keeps them oxygenated until they hatch. Once they hatch, the babies which will measure between 3 and 5 millimetres will be kept in quarantine so that keepers at the aquarium can feed them, thereby, increasing survival rates.

Here’s an interesting fact: the giant pacific octopus is the largest of its species; the largest specimen found measured 9 metres and weighed a staggering 272 Kilos! No messing with him! Wow, it’s like something out of a Jules Verne novel.

The octopus is considered a highly intelligent creature with a great capacity for learning; they have been known to take tops off containers, make their way out of man-made labyrinths and, of course, predict football results!!!! 😉