Did you know that we have a profile for Sunset Beach Club on the popular photo sharing app, Instagram?

Feel free to stop by and see our collection of photos featuring Sunset Beach Club, Benalmadena and other fabulous locations along the Costa del Sol. We post images you wont find on our other social networks; the creativity and originality of  the images being shared daily on this easy-to-use photo sharing platform is spectacular.

If you’ve got an Instagram account, you can follow us here ; If you don’t, what are you waiting for? It’s great fun!

If you stay with us at Sunset Beach Club and take a photo with Instagram whilst you are here, please feel free to tag the image with the following hashtag #sunsetbeachclub 🙂

Below you’ll find some of our most popular photos on Instagram. By popular, we mean number of likes and comments received. Here goes…

Photo taken in February 2014 on the Sunset Beach Club promenade…

Taken from the window next to Reception, this photo was taken on a windy December day…

The pool area at the end of September…

Salitos Bar at dusk…

Two important ingredients for our promenade weddings: Great views and cold beer!

A colourful wedding…

Cocktail time on the rocks in front of Salitos Bar…

Amazing wedding cake…

The beach in front of our Luna Beach Club…

They don’t call it Sunset Beach Club for nothing!

There’s lots more great photos on our Instagram page! Come on over and join our photo community 🙂