XVIII Regata Interclub de BenalmadenaThis weekend, sailing fans will be able to enjoy the XVIII edition of the Interclub Regatta which will take place in Benalmádena waters this weekend.

Scheduled for the 8th and 9th January, the Regata will congregate approximately 150 sailors who will make up the crews of the 35 yachts competing for the “Accastillage Diffusion Trophy”. As it is one of the classic regattas in the sailing calendar, organizers are expecting competitors from all over Andalucia.

This edition of the Interclub Regatta is organized by the Benalmádena Yacht Club and the Port Authority, with the collaboration of the Spanish Sailing Federation and sponsorship by Accastillage Diffusion nautical shops.

As expected in this type of Regatta, the fleet will be divided into different classes – there are boats ranging from 6 metres to 15 metres in length – with different prizes being awarded to the winner of each class.

Unfortunately, the weather forecast for Benalmadena doesn’t look too good for weekend; we expect rain on Saturday with light winds (7km/h) with conditions improving on Sunday with southerly winds of up to 36km/h which should guarantee a fun day of sailing.

Photo Credit: francescopozzi