Carrera del Pavo - Turkey Race in BenalmadenaNext Sunday the 16th December 2012, Arroyo de la Miel will celebrate its 30th ‘Carrera Urbana del Pavo’ (literally translated as The Urban Turkey Race!). This fun event was started 30 years ago as a way to foment running amongst the Benalmadena population, allowing both visitors and locals the opportunity to discover the pleasures of running.

The ‘Carrera del Pavo’ is a massively popular event – last year there were 1900 participants – and attracts runners of all ages; this year there will be 22 different categories, 11 for men and another 11 for women. The organisers will also be handing out lots of prizes including one for each of the first 5 participants (in each category) to cross the finish line.

The race consists of a 4.5 km urban run through the streets of Arroyo de la Miel. Starting off at the ‘Polideportivo Arroyo de la Miel’ at 11am participants will make their way through this urban race course and head for the finish line at the feria ground next to Paloma Park. Everyone is welcome to enter; however, entries must be received by the 14th December due to the use of a new computer system this year which will read bar codes on each participant as they cross the finish line.

We must admit that we were curious as to why they called it the ‘Turkey Race’… apparently, when this traditional race was first held 30 years ago, it involved running after a live turkey and the winner got to take it home! Nowadays the winners still get a turkey as a prize… just that now, its frozen! 🙂

From Sunset Beach Club we’d like to wish all the participants the best of luck!