San Miguel Fair in TorremolinosWe’re nearing the end of the “Feria” (Local Festivities) season. One of the last few big fairs on the calendar is the Feria de San Miguel in our neighbouring town of Torremolinos.

As from tomorrow, 28th September and until Sunday 2nd October, visitors to Torremolinos will be able to enjoy five days of festivities with music, dancing, processions, fun fair, food, drink and loads more…

The official programme for the “Feria” is quite long and exhaustive so we’ve had a look and condensed it to the following list of events and entertainment that we thought might be of interest:

1)      Taste some FREE Paella in the “La Tasca” Bar,Federiaco García Lorca Squarefrom 1pm to 7pm

2)      Listen to traditional “Coros Rocieros” (traditional Spanish choirs) every day in the centre of town between 2pm and 4pm

3)      Children’s entertainment every evening in the “Caseta Minicipal Infantil” at the main fair ground – Theatre, Magician and more… starts at 10pm

4)      Opening ceremony with street performers – Wednesday 28th September at 8.15pm in the Town Centre

5)      Performance by the Rocío Chacón Flamenco Group, “Ensueño”

6)      Large procession in the San Miguel square – Thursday 29th September at 7pm

7)      Live music every night in the “Caseta dela Juventud” – Various styles such as Rock, Pop, Rap and Hip-Hop

8)      Bull Fighting in the Torremolinos Bullring on Sunday 2nd October at 6pm

As well as the above, there is also a Fun Fair every evening at the Fair Ground. A quick word of advice: If you fancy trying some of the rides at the fair of if you are planning on going with kids, make sure you go on Sunday (2nd October) as the price of the rides is reduced (substantially!) Children pay €1.50 per ride and adults pay €2 per ride!